Saturday, October 28, 2006

There You Are, Motherfucker

Yesterday I dressed up for a halloween nite. It started at Mod, then I went to Mai Lirol Darlin, to Zona Franca and, finally, to Pink. I had fun, it's funny to see how badly people need to wear different outfits but, the most important thing, to wear actual masks. The whole consacrated behaviours were upside down. At the end of the night, a guy came to me, and started to talk to me in a nasty way. I tried to slap his face but he was faster. At the end, there I was, with a horrible pain in my right hand and there he was, with a horrible pain in his shoulder.
I left the party, still mad, full of adrenaline. He didn't see it coming, he was shocked staring at me frozen. Can women hit men? Certanely. We have on our favor that most of those macho latinos are totally coward. And then, it's the only way a girl can defend her honor and, also, feel releived.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bogotá Smells Like a Rotten Corpse

If there's something I hate from Bogotá, is the smell of people on the bus. I must use Transmilenio -buses than transport three times their capacity- because I work outside the city. And it's killing me. There's a rotten old smell mixed up with the heat inside the bus. It makes me want to vomit. But they don't seem to be uncomfortable, the actually seem to enjoy that horrible smell opening their noses and taking deep breaths. In that occasions, I wish there were a nuclear war in Colombia against that kind of dirt.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Not To Go With The Flow

I went out last friday. There was a horrible rain all over Bogotá. For me, it would only be a hair problem, a few drops on my jacket between my door and his car. Who knows if little villages would be struggling for not losing their beds and bathrooms under a flow out of control. Because, every time there's a short, almost unseen rain season in this city, we have horrible stories about rivers that wiped out villages, that killed children, but, to be honest, we never give a shit about that. We couldn't care less. We only try to survive, to go somewhere, to do something with our lifes.
It's all so horrible and so messed up around here, that taking care for someone else that is not part of our inmediate social circle, would be a suicide, would be to give a little bit of your own vital energy to someone else, and that little bit you lose, could be big enough to kill you.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Bombing Our Kidnapped Citizens

Yesterday, a bomb exploted inside the Universidad Militar in Bogotá. A few hours later, our president decided to stop negociating with the guerrilla group, Farc. He wants to rescue the thousands of kidnapped civilians with two dangerous weapons: "blood and fire". Some politics are shocked, they claim for peace instead of war. But, sadly, our president prefers to attack even if there are civilians in between. Lots of people are joyfull, "we finally see the president we voted for", they say. I, personally, set as a priority the life of people captured by the guerrilla. They can't be trapped, they can't risk their lifes just because of a terrorist act.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Loving Your Static Schemes

I know it's impossible to ask for internal changes in a society. People born in a specific environment and nothing can modify their fears and hates. Hating gays is the new catholicism's sport in Colombia. Our dominating religion beleives that a man can not share a bed with another man, so they will be punished with no legal rights as a couple. Maybe priests are afraid of them because that's their deepest desire. But priests, of course, get rid of their sexual impulses raping children.
A famous catholic school in Bogotá, has several stories of students molested by their teachers. It will always remain in their memories and wouldn't ever be spoken outloud. Like Metallica used to say, "sad but true".
Society itself allow priests raping children because nobody wants to talk about it. And forbids sane love between people of the same sex taking their rights away. Are they that afraid of pleasure?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Look Back In Anger

Why do humans love to dig in their own past? Why are we so fanatic of lost loves and almost forgotten friendships? It might be our stupid nature. The main character of "High Fidelity" dedicates a big part of his life getting to know girls, the other part trying to forget them, and the last piece of his single life is sadly wasted contacting ONCE AGAIN all his past loves.
I guess we are all guilty of that crime. It is impossible to wipe out feelings -nice and awful- once they got inside our blood.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Naked Old Ladies

Women in the third world get naked as an extreme way to say they'r opressed. I am a woman and I come from the third world, but this whole thing appears to me as a bad joke. I find it effectist and cheap. Last month, eleven 50 year older women made a 2007 calendar: that was ther attempt to achieve freedom. But that seems a huge contradiction. They do what they attack. It's like being against North America wearing a Nike T-shirt.
I will post one of their pictures as soon as I can, so you can take a look at that crap and be able to judge by yourselves. Aren't there more "civilized" ways to fight sexism?

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Same Old Lie

"I love you, baby, I am sorry". Yeah sure. That happens to be the same old lie. I've heard it so many times in such different contexts that the words have no meaning to me anymore. Guys keep thinking it's clever to say it, they're convinced on it's efficiency. Maybe it is just because they're not chiks and they haven't heard it hundreds of times. Can anyone please tell them to stop doing it? They look fake, from the way they put that homeless face, to the tone of their voice.
I rather hear "I didn't give a fuck, girl". That, at least, would be honest. Stop using big words in your mouth, please.

Lunch With Death

After lunch, M's mom and aunt did nothing but talk about their properties and bank accounts. I found it interesting, watching them like extint animals, very rare, like those you see at the zoo, full of care and protection: those might be the last. I discovered, however, that there are some species naturally repulsive to others. If there were empathy between a lamb and a tiger, there would be a trauma in the chain of hunters-hunted. So, my conclusion after five hours of contemplation, is simple: a tiger can watch how it's victim struggles, a cat enjoys making it's dinner die slowly. There is pleasure in masochism. So, I imagined I had the right, that it was meant to be and, with great greed, I saw my prey and I didn't kill it. But somebody, a good samaritan, should cage all the aunts with their heritage, and drop a chemical bomb.
That would make us all much happier.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cloudy Day

The season of rain has just arrived. People, as usual, receive this season surprised, like it never happened before. Everybody gets totally wet under the rain and watches the sky waiting for an explanation. We are sick of saying that colombia has magical realism in every corner, there is no magic in here. But, I must admit that some behaviours are totally stupid and unexpected, withoud any traces of logic. That's the closest thing we've got to that magical idea that people have about Colombia.