There You Are, Motherfucker
Yesterday I dressed up for a halloween nite. It started at Mod, then I went to Mai Lirol Darlin, to Zona Franca and, finally, to Pink. I had fun, it's funny to see how badly people need to wear different outfits but, the most important thing, to wear actual masks. The whole consacrated behaviours were upside down. At the end of the night, a guy came to me, and started to talk to me in a nasty way. I tried to slap his face but he was faster. At the end, there I was, with a horrible pain in my right hand and there he was, with a horrible pain in his shoulder.
I left the party, still mad, full of adrenaline. He didn't see it coming, he was shocked staring at me frozen. Can women hit men? Certanely. We have on our favor that most of those macho latinos are totally coward. And then, it's the only way a girl can defend her honor and, also, feel releived.