Look Back In Anger

Why do humans love to dig in their own past? Why are we so fanatic of lost loves and almost forgotten friendships? It might be our stupid nature. The main character of "High Fidelity" dedicates a big part of his life getting to know girls, the other part trying to forget them, and the last piece of his single life is sadly wasted contacting ONCE AGAIN all his past loves.
I guess we are all guilty of that crime. It is impossible to wipe out feelings -nice and awful- once they got inside our blood.
Creo que se debe al hambre inconsciente por senitr. Me explico, las experiencias pasadas potencian su capapacidad de producir sensaciones a través de los recuerdos sean estos tristes o alegres.
Lo cual no es malo!
Al respecto, me gusta mucho una cita que dice
"El miedo mas grande debe ser no tener miedo porque la capacidad de sentir es lo mas preciado que tiene el hombre"
5:47 AM
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